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Author: Evangelos Voulvoutzis
Photo Credit: EyeHarp
For the last 3 years Zacharias Vamvakousis has been delivering music lessons to people with disabilities using the EyeHarp music interface. The software is the result of his research activity and is one of the first musical instrument to be played with the eyes.
Hi Mr. Vamvakousis, thanks for taking the time to do this interview. What was the inspiration behind the social project Eyeharp?
In 2008 a musician friend of mine had a motorbike accident. Initially it was not clear whether he would move his arms again or not due to a spinal cord injury.
I then started researching whether there was any musical instrument available for people with upper limb disabilities. I found out that although the technology for creating such a digital musical instrument existed, that there was nothing available.
Back then I had a degree in informatics and classical accordion & harmony. I then moved to Barcelona to have a master in music computing at Pompeu Fabra University. The first prototype of the Eyeharp was the result of my Master's thesis in 2011.

Eyeharp is considered to be “...
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