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Author: Kiblind Magazine
Designs: Kiblind
We are sentimental travellers. We can't help it. Every new city that we visit sets our emotions flowing, and invariably ends up stealing our hearts. And when it came to our trip to Thessaloniki, the one overriding emotion that we were left with was that of admiration. Admiration for the people, for the city, for reworks - the festival that we went there to cover -, and for the rich cultural scene that we had just glimpsed. But above all, admiration for the city's sense of life, an art of living that no amount of rush-hour traffic could ever spoil. Yes, it's fair to say we loved Thessaloniki. Indeed, perhaps this is why they call it "the city of love". This somewhat clichéd epithet - which we owe to Alexandros Thanos, Deputy Regional Governor for Tourism & Culture in the region of Central Macedonia - turned out to be surprisingly close to the mark.

Yet on paper, at least, Thessaloniki has always faced an uphill battle. The composition of Greece is such that it is the city of Athens that enjoys the largest share of the population, the bright lights and the fame that goes with it. The...
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