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Author: Axel Simon
Photo Credit: Adèle Meunier
Can you introduce yourself and the Horst Festival?
My name is Mattias Staelens. I studied architecture and worked a few years as an architect before working full time for Horst.
I co-founded Horst in 2014 with two people. Now we are four associates and a team of thirteen fixed people. Initially we founded it from this naive urgence and belief to re-invent a festival. It grew a bit and we asked ourselves how we could invite artists and architects to re-invent what a stage is. And how we could reinvent the logistical circles around a festival. Later we included an exhibition and visuals arts part to make it come together with the music program. Then we began step by step to add new goals and ambitions.
The community part is also very important. Horst is something we build with approximately 500 volunteers. They subscribe to workshops, they work closely with artists, architects and it’s very important to us. Horst today is a mix between music and architecture but has also a co-creation and community aspect we want to explore as much as possible.
Where does the name "Horst" come from...
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