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We are Europe: Who is behind Drugstore and what is the history of your club?
Branislav Jovancevic: Drugstore is in the ownership of two very interesting people, Dragana Dobrić and Nemanja Rašović. Both of them are involved in all aspects of running the company and artistic direction in a very creative way. Rest of the core crew consists of Stefan Unković (design), Edin Omanović (PR©), Izvanredni Bob & Aljoša Dakić (visuals), and I’m doing program direction. There are of course many more involved. The whole story started with opening of “Bivši Bar” and its three incarnations around the city center, where we started to organize very specific events that we felt were missing. Then we moved to an old venue near Beko building in the lower Dorćol area, where we spent first two years and then were forcefully evicted due to some shady privatizations, but it turned out to be a good thing as we found current venue to be really one of a kind, which gave us opportunity to step up with the scope of the entire operation.

Where is your club located ? Do you know its district's history ?
Current venue is ...
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