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A muse generated by artificial intelligence as the model for an oil painting; a zero-gravity environment to challenge our senses of sight and hearing; an giant emoji to express a collective feeling in a specific part of the city. These are just some of the projects which the inquisitive Catalan scientist Albert Barqué-Duran has created in recent years in his efforts to combine academia, art and technology, and through the cities where he lives: Barcelona, London and Berlin. A We are Europe 2019 activist, Barqué-Duran attended the latest edition of Sónar as a spectator and this was our conversation about his work in motion.
The difference with me is that while in academia the sole aim has always been to get your work published in scientific journals, I try to promote the idea that there are other formats worth exploring through performances, artworks and exhibitions
Albert Barqué-Duran
Although he has just turned 30, entering a new decade has done nothing to detract from his appearance as a young, long-haired university lecturer with round glasses and a thin beard in a digital environment where people tend to be slaves to fashion....
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