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Author: Lieneke Pisters
Photo Credit: Kal Visuals
When the pandemic hit our world in 2020 it didn't make things easier, but at least we were given a moment to stand still and contemplate. And it didn't take long before everyone was ready to continue their dances online, but this time as visible and approachable as possible, the music industry being no exception.
Suddenly forums, roundtables, and all sorts of online programs popped up from any part of the world, organized by big names, by small names, often for free, or otherwise at an affordable price scaled to reach a big crowd, altogether accumulating in an explosion of information for everyone who was hungry for it.
Being an aspiring soul singer and electro songwriter myself, working on my first album and dying to get an update about the current status of the music industry, I didn't hesitate to put my teeth into as much as I could digest. So there I went, diving into the most promising sources, events, and publications. Fortunately, I didn't return empty handed from my adventure.

My first catch: Soundcloud Forum on March 11 2021, an onli...
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